A college student learned one of the most valuable lessons: never send topless selfies while driving.
According to Fox 8, police say Miranda Kay Rader, 20, was snapping a Snapchat photo for her boyfriend directly before slamming her SUV into the back of a parked Texas police cruiser. Police Officer John Sartell stated in his report that he was responding to a disturbance call while his car was parked on the side of the street, minding its own business, with the lights activated.
“I heard the sound of a vehicle braking hard and heard what sounded like a vehicle collision,” Sartell said in his report. When he approached the vehicle, he saw Rader trying to put her blouse on. Unfortunately, luck was not on her side—because he also noticed there was an open bottle of wine in her cup holder. Doubled busted!
At the end of this ordeal, she was cited for being a minor in possession of alcohol and charged with driving while intoxicated with an open container. Class dismissed.